The line at the food bank was LONGER this week than last week. Still no bread today, so we'll have to postpone "Toastfest" at my place, but ... I'm thrilled with the eggs, macaroni & cheese, all-bran bars, apples, tuna, a jar of pears and a bottle of Perrier, among other items that I gratefully received from the Food Bank this afternoon. Well done you sweet volunteers and donors. You save lives with these groceries. Really, you do!
Shout out to James at Quest Food Exchange, a Vancouver grocery store for low income families offering food at discount prices and a shopping experience with dignity. See resources for link. He also volunteers at the food bank. What a great guy! Thanks for the handshake and chat, James. You're providing a much needed service to the good, hungry folks of this city. Spread the word. I'll tweet it out for ya.
Had a *luxurious* cup of coffee afterward with a new friend, "R." Hi "R!" It was the first coffee I've had in 3 weeks - liquid heaven, a "splurge." (spending $3.49 is decadent for me these days). Hmmm ... coffee, no wonder I'm still blogging at 1:31 AM. Note to self: easy on the fancy-schmancy coffees. Stick to the occasional cup of decaf or $2 latte in a pinch. Green tea is what I drink instead these days. All those terrific antioxidants. I gotta sleep now gang, I finally pooped myself out.
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